We're recovering in Peterborough after an epic few days rattling across the UK visiting dead poets and meeting new friends.
On Wednesday we barrelled over to the Isle of Wight in search of AC Swinburne. We were very worried we might miss our ferry so we raced across the island, ('raced' might be an exaggeration, given the number of buses and farm vehicles we got stuck behind, but still - we did our damnedest) found the little churchyard, and dashed about it calling 'have you found it? I can't see it?' like participants in a particularly macabre Crystal Maze.
We didn't find it. Gutted. The churchyard was maybe 20 metres across, but we couldn't see it. Eventually we had to abandon the search and sped back across the island, only to see our ferry pulling away from the dock.
Missing our ferry made us an hour late for our trip up to Somerset for Siegfried Sassoon's grave. I never knew much about his life, but he seems like an incredible character. Acts of suicidal valour, a packed sex life, and the middle name 'Loraine'. What a sweet dude.
In the evening, we performed to Canadian students at Castle Herstmonceaux in East Sussex. Again, we only just made it in time, blundering on stage to a ridiculously warm reception. The BBC were there filming us, so I'm glad we got away with it! The castle itself was stunning - it even had a moat!
I'll post more when I get the chance. At the moment it's go go go. I'm having such a time.
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